This front yard landscaping is in Montebello, Rockland County, NY. The Pa. colonial boulder rock garden has blue stone slab stepping stones leading from the front lawn to the front entrance. The plantings feature Acer palamatum 'Bloodgood' (japanese red maple), Acer palamatum 'Villa Taranto' (japanese green maple), Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' (globe blue spruce), Sciadopitys verticillata 'Winter Green' (japanese umbrella pine), Pinus sylvestris 'Repens' (creeping scotch pine), Tsuga canadensis pendula 'Sargentii' (weeping sargent hemlock) and Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' (goldmound spirea).
Category: Front Yard and Backyard Landscaping and Garden Designs