For the do-it-yourself-er, visit the nursery for 100’s of plants, trees, shrubs, and annual and perennial flowers. We have a large selection of ornamental specimen trees. We have a gift-shop which includes seasonal items, full line of pottery, fertilizers, etc. We have a trained staff to help you do it right. Call for hours: 845-351-7226.
Please check out out photo library on flickr. It includes weeping trees, dwarf trees, flowering trees, evergreen and flowering shrubs, deciduous and evergreen trees, fastigiate trees, topiaries, annuals and perennials. It is really helpful in being able to select what you love: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hickoryhollow/
Or, just join our facebook page for regular updates and sales:
Hickory Hollow Nursery and Garden Center, Inc.
713 Route 17 South
Tuxedo, New York 10987
tel: 845.351.7226
fax: 845.351.7207
e-mail: mike28ye@yahoo.com
Visit our new Nursery and Garden Center Web Site: http://www.hickoryhollownursery.com